text2vec - Modern Text Mining Framework for R
Fast and memory-friendly tools for text vectorization, topic modeling (LDA, LSA), word embeddings (GloVe), similarities. This package provides a source-agnostic streaming API, which allows researchers to perform analysis of collections of documents which are larger than available RAM. All core functions are parallelized to benefit from multicore machines.
Last updated 6 months ago
13.52 score 855 stars 25 dependents 1.3k scripts 8.3k downloadsmlapi - Abstract Classes for Building 'scikit-learn' Like API
Provides 'R6' abstract classes for building machine learning models with 'scikit-learn' like API. <https://scikit-learn.org/> is a popular module for 'Python' programming language which design became de facto a standard in industry for machine learning tasks.
Last updated 3 years ago
5.42 score 26 dependents 5 scripts 6.8k downloadssparsepp - 'Rcpp' Interface to 'sparsepp'
Provides interface to 'sparsepp' - fast, memory efficient hash map. It is derived from Google's excellent 'sparsehash' implementation. We believe 'sparsepp' provides an unparalleled combination of performance and memory usage, and will outperform your compiler's unordered_map on both counts. Only Google's 'dense_hash_map' is consistently faster, at the cost of much greater memory usage (especially when the final size of the map is not known in advance).
Last updated 6 years ago
4.04 score 11 stars 2 scripts 205 downloadssparsio - I/O Operations with Sparse Matrices
Fast 'SVMlight' reader and writer. 'SVMlight' is most commonly used format for storing sparse matrices (possibly with some target variable) on disk. For additional information about 'SVMlight' format see <http://svmlight.joachims.org/>.
Last updated 5 years ago
3.70 score 10 stars 10 scripts 153 downloads